Website Help
Website Help
We hope this page answers your questions. If not, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
The FAQ is updated regularly, so be sure to check back for help, tips, and advice on how the website works.
SAWC members are given access to the "Sisters Only" section of the website once they have completed their application and paid their annual dues. Once you have access, you'll discover the following:
A monthly message from the President
Contact information for the Board of Directors/Committee Chairs
Club Yearbook (member directory)
A document library containing forms, new and old newsletters, policies and procedures, by-laws, meeting minutes, and agendas
You can now RSVP or purchase event tickets with a few simple clicks
Report your volunteer hours in VAL (2023 Volunteer Activity Log)
If you are not a Salem Area Women's Club member, you are welcome to explore the website, but access is limited.
Getting Started
To get started, please reset your password and update your account page
Do this first
How do I set or reset my password?
The website already has your email address; however, you'll need to create your password. To do that, you'll use the "forgot password" feature.
Below the Help Button, select the "Log in" area at the upper right corner of any webpage.
A new "Log in" window will appear.
Click "Forgot Password" to set or reset it.
Enter the email you use with SAWC and click Reset Password. Follow the instructions to create your new password. The system will email you a link to reset your password. Be sure to check your spam or junk folders for the email.
Note: Use the same procedure if you forget your password. Unfortunately, the web admin cannot change a password for you
Now do this...
How do I set up my personal account page?
Log into the website.
The website's main header shows a down arrow above the search bar and between the bell and the shopping bag. Select the down arrow.
Scroll down the menu to "My Account."
Scroll Down to "Display Name" in the Display Info Area
Enter your first and last name in the field.
Click "Update Information" to save the changes.
On the far left is a green box with a circle. Click on it and upload your photo. A confirmation box will appear if the operation is completed correctly.
How to Report Volunteer Hours
​Log in > Sisters Only > Volunteer Activity Log Input
First, make sure you've logged into the website.
There are at least three ways to access the 2024 Volunteer Activity Log Input page.
Use the "Sister's Only" dropdown menu to select "2024 Volunteer Activity Log Input"
Go to the Sister's Only main page and click the "Submit Hours Here" button.
A button that will take you to the correct page is at the bottom of the Club News.
The Volunteer Activity Log contains instructions and definitions to help you complete the form correctly.
After reading the instructions, input the information in the purple box at the bottom of the page.
Once you click "Submit," you should see the "Thank you for submitting" pop-up below the submit button in red. It only lasts a few seconds. You'll need to re-input the information if you don't get this confirmation.
How do I see the volunteer hours I’ve reported?
Log In > Log In Area > Volunteer Activity Log Input
Log into the website.
The website's main header shows a down arrow above the search bar and between the bell and the shopping bag. Select the down arrow.
Scroll down the menu to "My VAL Report."
How do I RSVP or purchase tickets for an Event (There are two ways to do it!)
​Log In > Main Menu > Events
Log into the website
From the main menu, select the Events tab
Scroll down the page until you find the event you're interested in
Click on RSVP or purchase tickets and follow the directions
Whether purchasing a ticket or RSVPing to an event, you should automatically get an email confirmation from the website
Log In > Main Menu > Calendar
Log into the website
From the main menu, select Calendar
Click on the event you want to RSVP to or purchase tickets for.
Click on RSVP or purchase tickets and follow the directions
Whether purchasing a ticket or RSVPing to an event, you should automatically get an email confirmation from the website.
How do I see Events that I've signed up for?
Log in > Main Menu > select the down arrow by your name > Scroll down to My Events
​Log into the website.
The website's main header shows a down arrow above the search bar and between the bell and the shopping bag. Select the down arrow.
Scroll down the menu to "My Events" - all the events should be listed.
How do I see who has signed up for Events?
Log in > Main Menu > Calendar or Event > click on specific Event
Go to events or calendar tab in the main menu
Select the event you're interested in
Event section: After clicking on an event, the event title turns green, and a down arrow appears. Click on the down arrow.
Calendar section: After clicking on the event, a drop-down box appears. If someone has RSVP'd, small circles will appear, as highlighted in the yellow box. Click on "more" for names.