2023 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the General Meeting
January 10, 2023
CALL TO ORDER: Vice President, Rachel Kingston opened the meeting at 12:00 with 40 members in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to this document when filing for records. January birthdays were celebrated. Birthday members present were: Karin Bernard, Carol Demers, Jarlene LeBlanc, Jean Malisos, Susan Mothon, Phyllis Seccareccio, Marilyn Suszek, and Bonnie Wright.
COLLECT & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Rachel invited all members to stand and recite the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests: Sara Gieryn guest of Julie Weymouth, Rosanne Silver guest of Susan Mothon, and Sheryl Feinstein and Jeanne Barry attended through discovery from our social media platforms.
VICE PRESIDENT: Rachel encouraged the members to sign up for the GFWC Leadership Education and Development (LEADS) Seminar Program. Stipends are given by GFWC-NH and SAWC-NH to help defray costs.
Committee Reports: Due to the nature of this meeting, “Spotlight on Civic Engagement,” Committee Reports were not presented by the Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.
Civic Engagement: Deb Slein reported: ~ “Spotlight on Civic Engagement” Four organizations that we support will speak and we will present donations to each, End 68 Hours of Hunger, Brigid’s House of Hope, Homeland Heroes Foundation, and Family Promise. ~Handouts were given highlighting the presenters today and categorizing all the organizations we donate to under the GFWC Civic Engagement & Outreach broad categories. ~ Aware/Prepare handouts were given to all members. Aware/Prepare is a monthly calendar preparedness program the Civic Engagement Committee is launching to educate members on Crime Prevention/Safety/ Disaster Preparedness. Each month a new Preparedness topic will be highlighted in the SAWC newsletter and the website. Environment: Linda Harvey would welcome any members interested in being on her committee. She needs accurate emails from members. Health & Wellness: Linda Molchan spoke of “Way to Glow, “The Community Service Program of GFWCNH Health and Wellness. Activities can be done in groups or on your own. All your activities should be logged by the members and Linda will then report your activity to the State. More information on this new program will be in the February newsletter.
Arts & Culture: Joanne Cuomo circulated at each table and explained the rules and criteria for the Creative Writing Contest. The contest is open to all members and prizes will be awarded. All entries should be submitted by February 15, 2023. She also had a handout of the upcoming play Funny Money performed by the Windham Actors Guild at the Windham High School on February 17th @ 7:00 p.m.
New Business: Rachel introduced GFWC-NH President, Beth Roth. Beth spoke of the GFWC-NH Mid-Winter Meeting to be held on January 28, 2023, at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH. She also informed the members that the Photography Contest submission deadline is January 25th. Winners will be announced at this MidWinter meeting. Upcoming Events: The Town of Salem is offering Salem residents 5 evening workshops. “The Local Government Academy.” Workshops are geared to promote civic participation and help residents understand how the town of Salem works. Workshop sessions are Thursdays: 2/9, 2/16, 2/23 3/2, and 3/9. If interested please register at https://www.townofsalemnh.org. All upcoming events were listed in the January General Membership Agenda (attached to this document when filing for records.) Vice President, Rachel Kingston adjourned the meeting at 12:56 p.m
Minutes of the General Meeting
February 7, 2023
CALL TO ORDER: President, Patti Drelick opened the meeting at 11:45 at the Colosseum Restaurant with 53 members in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to this document when filing for records. February birthdays were celebrated. Birthday members present were: Maria Baribeau, Kelly Moss, Katie Monteiro, Sue Phillips, and Nancy Woodward.
COLLECT & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Patti invited all members to stand and recite the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests: Charlotte Johnson & Roseanne Silver guests of Susan Mothon, Grace Frittitta and Karen McKallagat guests of Joanne Cuomo, Linda Simmons guest of Patti Drelick, Debbie Baghdady guest of Sheryl Feinstein, and Sue Buonanno guest of Stephanie Stone. New Members: Four new members were initiated by President Patti Drelick and Vice President Rachel Kingston. The new members are Susan Covey, Sheryl Feinstein, Grace Frittitta, and Karen McKallagat.
President: Patti reported that the yearbooks are not ready yet, but will be completed soon. She was pleased to inform members that for the 2022 GFWC year, 91 project reports were completed and reported to GFWC-NH. Congratulations were extended to all members that participated in project report submissions.
Vice President: Rachel gave an update on the LEADS program, stating that New Hampshire has 2 candidates, but would love to have more candidates come forward.
Corresponding Secretary: Sandy Carlson reported that thank you cards were received from UpReach Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Family Promise, Homeland Heroes, and Survivors of Domestic Violence. Recording Secretary: Norma Lapointe prepared the Minutes of December 6, 2022, and January 10, 2023 meetings and stated they were emailed to all members. Tanya Donnelly made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 6th meeting. The motion was seconded by Joanne Cuomo. Vote Passed Tanya Donnelly also motioned to accept the minutes of the January 10th meeting. The motion was seconded by Marilyn Suszek. Vote Passed.
Committee Reports:
Arts & Culture: Joanne Cuomo inquired if anyone has submissions for the Creative Writing Contest to please turn them in to her today. The deadline for the contest is February 15, 2023. There’s a sign-up sheet for Windham High School’s play “Funny Money” if any member is interested.
Civic Engagement: Deb Slein reported the following: Salem Police Department’s new comfort dog “Rhea”, received a new crash crate donation from SAWC and 2 additional dog crates from member Jaimie Baker. Civic Engagement members present for the donation at the Salem Police Department were Norma Lapointe, Susan Raymond, and Jaimie Baker. Photos were taken and circulated at this meeting and were sent to news agencies for publication in local newspapers. Family Promise Community Room has been receiving a cleaning and facelift with the purchase of new chairs, bookcases, wall art, rugs, children’s mats, and children’s table and chairs. Efforts on this project were coordinated by Sheila Casey. Photos of members cleaning toys and arranging furniture were taken and circulated at this meeting. Homeland Heroes annual gala will be held March 25, 2023, at Castleton in Windham NH. There is a sign-up sheet for this event if any members are interested. If you have any questions, please see Norma Lapointe.
Education & Libraries: The reading program at the Haigh School is continuing on Wednesdays from 12:00-12:30, if you are able to read at that time openings are still available. A wish list has been given to the club for educational toys, puzzles, and books to be donated to the school. If you have any items to donate, please contact Lori or Kelley.
Health & Wellness: Connie O’Connell reported that she and Linda will be delivering the comfort bags to Parkland Hospital, Derry, NH on February 15th. Also, the committee will be initiating a Walking Club that coincides with “Way to Glow, “The Community Service Program of GFWC-NH Health and Wellness. Members will meet each Wednesday beginning February 15, 2023, @ 9:00 a.m. at the Tuscan Kitchen entry of the rail trail and walk for 30 minutes. Members can also keep track of their own personal walking time even if it is not with the Walking Club. Communications & PR: Maria reported that more events and club donations will be submitted to local newspapers for publication. She also researched Epsilon Sigma Omicron (GFWC-ESO), the GFWC book club, and highlighted the group’s mission and goals. The research efforts were done to see if any members had an interest in joining ESO.
New Business: Patti introduced GFWC-NH President, Beth Roth. Regarding ESO, Beth informed the club that SAWC member Lexie Kearley is the State ESO co-chair and can give the club any additional information on joining ESO. Beth announced the Annual GFWC-NH Meeting will occur on April 28th and 29th, 2023. Awards on the club reports submitted in January will be given out at the Annual Meeting. Sheila Casey presented a “Book of Hugs” to the SAWC President on behalf of all the SAWC members.
Member Activity: Blank cards were given to members to “Send a letter to an Elder Day.” Cards will be collected and distributed to residents at Salem Haven and Silverthorne. Stamped envelopes & cards were given to members to “Send a Card to a Friend Day.” Raffle tickets were given out at check-in and 10 different raffles were given out to members!
Upcoming Events: All upcoming events were listed in the February General Membership Agenda (attached to this document when filing for records.) Connie O’Connell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:43 p.m., seconded by Kathy Moreschi. All in favor. Submitted by Norma Lapointe Recording Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting
March 7, 2023
CALL TO ORDER: President, Patti Drelick opened the meeting with 44 members in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to this document when filing for records. March birthdays were celebrated. Birthday members present were: Cathy DiParolisa, Audrey Mosher, Connie O’Connell, Ann O’Sullivan, Karen Roulston, and Deb Slein.
COLLECT & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Patti invited all members to stand and recite the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests: Bobbie Coffey guest of Sheila Casey, Charlotte Johnson & Linda Simmons guests of Susan Mothon, and Diane Campbell Payne guest of Jaimie Baker.
New Members: Two new members were initiated by President Patti Drelick and Vice President Rachel Kingston. Charlotte Johnson and Linda Simmons. New member Roseanne Silver was absent for the initiation.
President: Patti announced that the SAWC was recently 97 years old as of February 22, 1926, and also pointed out it is Women’s History Month. In honor of this event, member Susan Mothon, performed a narration on the life of Bessie (Ross) (Morrison) Webster, a past President (1962-1963) of the SAWC and Treasurer of the Salem Historical Society.
Vice President: Rachel reported that we are now 95 members strong! The LEADS candidate chosen for 2023 was Mary Ryan from the Exeter Area GFWC.
Corresponding Secretary: Sandy Carlson reported that thank you cards were received from the Community Outreach of St. Anne’s Parish Food Pantry, End 68 Hours of Hunger, Food for the Hungry at the United Methodist Church, and India Williams granddaughter of Marilyn Suszek. Cards were sent to Doreen Koor, Dolly Falco, Annibale Todesco of the Colosseum Restaurant, and Maria Moscone.
Recording Secretary: Norma Lapointe prepared the Minutes of the February 7, 2023 meeting and stated they were emailed to all members. Sheila Casey made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 7th meeting. The motion was seconded by Deb Slein. Vote Passed
Committee Reports:
Due to the nature of this meeting, “Spotlight on Education & Libraries” the committee will highlight their contributions for the year and spotlight guest speakers Heather & Piper Dezan of Salem High School’s FIRST Robotics Team 6324.
Education & Libraries: Kelly Moss reported:
~ FIRST Robotics Team 6324 will receive a contribution of $1000 towards their program.
~Salem Family Resources program Success by Six has received a $500 contribution and SAWC members have been volunteering and reading to the children on Wednesdays. Educational toys have also been donated by the SAWC members.
~Salem Public Library has received a $1000 donation towards the purchase of children’s Wonder Books and a rolling book cart for $500.​
~In Memoriam Books are being donated to the Salem Library in memory of member Ginny Lord.
~ Dollars for Scholars donation of $250 was made in memory of 3rd-grade student John Conway.
~SAWC $500 Scholarship is currently available to any SAWC-GFWC NH member, their child, or grandchild. All criteria and the application process are stated in the April newsletter.
~Lilac Tea Signature Event will be held May 21, 2023. A local author, Marty Kelley will be reading and signing books for purchase at this event. More details to follow.
Arts & Culture: Joanne Cuomo reported there are sign-up sheets for 2 events today. A “Titanic Tea”, at the Silver Fountain Tea Parlor in Dover on April 17th and “Staying Alive” at the Palace Theatre on May 20th.
Sandy Demers & Beverly Johnson announced the winners of the Creative Writing Contest. Winners are:
1st Place- Nancy Woodward – “The Life of Gizmo
2nd Place- Sandy Carlson – “Treasure our Lands”
3rd Place- Joanne Cuomo – “A Life’s Changing Journey”
Civic Engagement: Deb Slein reported the following:
Donations of $250 were given to the Bread of Life Food Pantry and HOPE Center Food Pantry.
The CE 2022/23 budget includes a donation toward the renovation of the Historic Salem Town Hall so we’ve arranged to have our next Board Meeting there. The CE Committee is considering organizing a tour for our club members in May.
Kelly Moss & Bonnie Wright enlightened members on the need for a Salem Charter Commission and encouraged members to get out and vote on March 14, 2023 for this very important ballot item.
Health & Wellness: Linda Molchan reported that the Comfort Bags were delivered to Parkland Medical Center and a 2nd set will be delivered to Holy Family Hospital.
Members will be volunteering at Silverthorne all are welcome to join for a St. Patrick’s Day activity. If anyone has ideas for an Easter activity, please contact Linda.
New Business:
a. GFWC-NH President Beth Roth gave a brief talk on the GFWC sisterhood and the upcoming GFWC-NH Annual Dinner and Conference on April 28-29, 2023 at The Grappone Center in Concord, NH
The Yearbook Binders were given out to the members and Patti gave a brief description of the contents and ongoing updating of the binders.
April 4, 2023, the SAWC GFWC-NH membership business meeting will be from 11:45-12:30 social optional catered lunch for $20, and bingo to follow.
Sheila Casey May 15th bus trip to Amish Country, Gettysburg, and Hershey Park is being organized. Please contact Sheila for details if you are interested.
Survey: A Credit Card Survey was passed out at this meeting to determine if the members wish to implement paying dues and social activities by credit card.
Upcoming Events:
All upcoming events were listed in the March General Membership Agenda (attached to this document when filing for records.)
Patti adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
Submitted by Norma Lapointe Recording Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting
May 2, 2023
CALL TO ORDER: President, Patti Drelick called the meeting to order at 11:45 with 45 members in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to this document when filing for records. May birthdays were celebrated. The birthday members present were: Marilyn Hamel. Today’s meeting’s theme” Spotlight on Arts & Culture” focused on our Arts & Culture Committee.
COLLECT & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Patti invited all members to stand and recite the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests: Sandy Soler guest of Susan Mothon, Nancy Roy & Marcia Cody guests of Joanne Cuomo, Dottie Crisa guest of Carol Demers, and Melody Pelletier guest of Bev Johnson. Guest Speakers attending the “Spotlight on Arts & Culture” were: Sarah Brown, Charlene Westerdale, Christine Caron, Molly Derrig, Bonnie Glazier, and Pat Good.
Member Activity: Members assembled a ‘Memorial Day Pin Project’ during the social segment of the meeting. Over 700 US flag pins were attached to preprinted cards for the members to distribute to the community in honor of Memorial Day.
President: Patti announced that the SAWC received 7 awards at the GFWC- NH Annual Meeting along with Sandy Carlson and Linda Molchan being awarded this year’s SAWC Honor Roll Honorees. Glynn of the Salem Historic Commission received the 2023 GFWC-NH UNITY award! Congratulations were extended to all the members for their hard work in achieving all the awards.
Vice President: Rachel reported that the Club is at 100 members.
Treasurer: Patti reported in Lories’ absence that the Club received its portion of the charitable gaming monies from GFWC-NH in the amount of $16,721.04.
Corresponding Secretary: Sandy Carlson reported thank-you cards were received from the Town of Hampstead, Bridging the Horizon, Homeland Heroes, FIRST Robotics Team 6324, American Legion Auxiliary Post 63, Salem Fire Department, and New Hampshire Children’s Trust. Thinking of you cards were sent to Lorraine Amirault and Ann Reardon.
Recording Secretary: A correction was noted and the April 4, 2023 minutes were approved.
Committee Reports:
Arts & Culture: Joanne Cuomo & Shamim Calcuttawalla presented “Spotlight on Arts & Culture.” Seven organizations that the SAWC supported during the year were invited to give a brief talk on their organization and all were presented with monetary donations.
~Arts Academy of NH $250, ~Field of Dreams Concert Series $1,000, Merrimack Valley Philharmonic $500, NH Philharmonic $500, Play Among the Stars $500, Salem Performing Arts $250, and Windham Musical Arts $250.
Education & Libraries: Kelly reported the Lilac Tea will be held on May 21, 2023, 4-5 p.m. at Centerpoint Church. Tickets are $30 for parents and children.
Civic Engagement: Deb Slein reported the following:
~The CE committee delivered a car seat, baby stroller, and high chair to the Manchester VA Hospital Women’s Program for their upcoming annual baby shower to be held on May 21, 2023.
~ The SAWC will be hosting a tour of the Salem Historical Museum’s 4 buildings on May 17, 2023, from 10:00-12:00.
~Thank You for the snack donations you brought in today for the Poll Workers appreciation baskets. The donations will be distributed to the 5 polling locations on the May 9, 2023 Special Election.
~Thank you for participating in assembling the SAWC Memorial Day Pin project today. Please distribute the pins to the community during the month of May.
Health & Wellness: Linda Molchan reported that the SAWC will be a sponsor for Center for Life Management’s ‘Evening of Inspiration ‘featuring ABC’s Head Meteorologist and author Ginger Zee. There is a sign-up sheet at this meeting for members interested in attending.
Upcoming Events:
All upcoming events were listed in the May General Membership Agenda (attached to this document when filing for records.)
Patti adjourned the meeting at 1:46 p.m.
Submitted by Norma Lapointe Recording Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting May 2, 2023
Minutes of the Annual Meeting
June 6, 2023
Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting was held at Searles Chapel, 3 Chapel Lane, Windham, NH at 11:30 with 54 members in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to this document when filing for records.
A musical performance, Harmony, by the Arts Academy of NH, led by Rebecca Carle, Music Instructor entertained the members. At the conclusion of their performance, a $250 donation was presented to the Arts Academy of NH. At 12:15 Lunch was provided by the Residence at Salem Woods culinary staff. In appreciation of the Residence at Salem Woods, a donation was presented to the Alzheimer’s Association in the amount of $1000.00.
Call to Order: Patti called the meeting to order at 12:45. Thanks were given to members for donating jars and to Douglas & Johnson Funeral Home for donating flowers to the Flower Hug Project. To date, flower arrangements have been donated to Salem Haven, Rockingham Nutrition Meals on Wheels, Silverthorne Adult Daycare, Warde Center, Family Promise residents, and at today’s meeting.
Collect and Pledge of Allegiance: Patti invited all members to stand and recite the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Celebrating June Birthdays: Lorraine Amirault, Laura Andolino, Maureen DiPalma, Tanya Donnelly, Sheryl Feinstein, Maureen Hanlon, Donna Murphy, Susan Raymond, Sandra Soler, and Stephanie Stone.
New Member Initiation: Four new members were initiated at the meeting by President Patti Drelick and Vice President Rachel Kingston. The new members are Carolyn Bullen sponsored by Ann Mahn, Bobbie Coffey sponsored by Sheila Casey, Maureen Hanlon sponsored by Patti Drelick, and Sandra Soler sponsored by Susan Mothon.
Guests: Sara Gieryn guest of Julie Weymouth.
2022-2023 Survey: A year-end survey was distributed to the members to determine what aspects of the club’s activities and programs the members enjoyed or needed improvement.
President: Patti announced the 2023-2024 theme of Hugs & Harmony for the upcoming year. A handout was given on the 2022-2023 membership percentages of growth, age distribution, and membership location.
The following membership details were also noted:
1.) 104 Members to date,
(2.) 39 new members since 6/1/22,
(3.) Barbara Elliot longest member of SAWC,
(4.) Moment of Silence for our deceased members.
Patti reviewed the 7 awards the SAWC received at the GFWC- NH Annual Meeting along with Sandy Carlson and Linda Molchan being awarded this year’s SAWC Honor Roll Honorees. Both Sandy Carlson & Linda Molchan were presented with floral bouquets.
Floral Bouquets were presented from the 2022-2023 Board to President, Patti Drelick, outgoing co-chair of Civic Engagement, Norma Lapointe and outgoing co-chair of Education & Libraries, and Lorie Ball (absent).
Civic Engagement Donation Patti announced a $5,000 donation will be given to the Salem Historical Society at their June 13th meeting for the Capital Campaign Renovation of the Olde Town Hall. Our donation allows for SAWC to be a sponsor of one of the new windows with our Club name placed on a plaque to be permanently displayed at this historic landmark.
Meeting Adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Norma Lapointe, Recording Secretary
“Welcome Back Party”
General Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2023
Welcome Back Party: The meeting was held at the Derry-Salem Elks, 39 Shadow Lake Rd, Salem, NH at 11:30 a.m. with 52 members and 12 guests in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to this document when filing for records. Special guest visitors were Officer Brian Lawrence of the Salem PD, and Comfort Dog Rhea. Members were treated to brownie ice cream sundaes and were given the opportunity to join various SAWC Committees.
Call to Order: President, Patti Drelick, called the meeting to order at 12:35. Thanks were given to members for donating food items which will be distributed to local food pantries for the GFWC National Day Service to take place on September 30, 2023. The following Guests & New Members were introduced to the membership. Nancy D’Agostino, Patricia Allen, Peggy Breault, Claire Brugnani, Mary Daniell, Linda Early, Saphya Lotery, Karen Lowe, Donna Mason, Peg Parrott, Ramona Pippin, and Kathie Redmond.
Collect and Pledge of Allegiance: Patti invited all members to stand and recite the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
August & September Birthdays: Carolyn Bullen, Susan Covey, Suzanne Lebrecque, Nelli Poeltl, Ariel Vaillancourt, and birthday members present were: Shamim Calcuttawala, Pam Hansen, Karen Hill, Rachel Kingston, Doreen Koor, Anne Reynolds, and new member Mary Daniell.
New Member Initiation: Two new members were present and initiated at the meeting by President, Patti Drelick and Vice President, Rachel Kingston. The new members are Susan Woodman and Saphya Lotery.
Vice President/Membership: Rachel Kingston reported that at the beginning today’s meeting there were 105 members with 5 new members signing up today bringing the total membership at 110! The new membership dues fee will be $30 for any member joining after today’s meeting.
Recording Secretary: Norma Lapointe stated that the June 6th Minutes were emailed to all members prior to the meeting. Marilyn Suszek made a motion to approve the minutes. Motion was seconded. Vote passed.
Corresponding Secretary: Sandy Carlson reported that Thank You cards were received from the following for our donations received. Lauren Strob & Amanda Ricardi, Girl Scout Troop Leaders and Renee McGuire, Haverhill YWCA, Director. Thinking of You cards were sent to Lorraine Amirault, Beverly Johnson and Dottie Randall. Get Well wishes were sent to Karen Hill and Suzanne Labreque.
Treasurer: Patti announced the Board of Directors approved the appointment of Cindy Hunzelman as the new Treasurer of the Club. Cindy discussed her background experience and reported the Treasurers Report for the period ending August 31, 2023. The checking balance is $72, 532.26 and total of CD’s and checking balances are $124,189.47​
2023-2024 SAWC-GFWC Budget: Patti went through the objectives of the budget and explained how the Board arrived at the estimated Budget income of $79,145 and estimated expenses and donations of $76,673. Deb Slein made a motion to accept the budget at presented. Motion was seconded. Sheila Casey had various budget questions that were answered by Patti and Cindy. Audrey Mosher had specific questions related to the SAWC Scholarship and those questions were answered by Patti. Marilyn Hamel had a question regarding why a specific food pantry was not listed on the budget. Deb Slein will look into that specific food pantry. Betty Gay had a question on amending a budget line item. Patti explained the procedure on how to amend a line item.
Vote Passed by Majority, with 4 members abstaining.
Arts & Culture: Joanne Cuomo stated that the Committee meeting has not been established yet. She thanked member Susan Hopkins for her Flower Hugs donations. She also thanked member Susan Woodman for reaching out to Mann Orchards Riverside for their donation of flowers. Patti encouraged members to take Flower Hugs from the tables to spread cheer through the community.
Civic Engagement & Outreach: Deb Slein reported that volunteers are needed for the Salem Scramble to be held September 30, 2023. Volunteers are needed 1st Wednesday of every month for the preparation of meals at Family Promise.
Environment: Linda Simmons reported that the Committee met once during the summer and the first project that will be underway is the Town Forest Clean-up on October 21, 2023. SAWC has received a designated section of the Salem Rail Trail to beautify. Planting of this section near the Methuen/Salem line will be held September 26, 2023.
Health & Wellness: Connie O’Connell reported that the Committee met 3 times during the Summer. The upcoming projects for the 2023-2024 year will include the continuation of the Comfort Bags, monthly volunteering at Silverthorne Adult Day Care with a Craft activity, and continuing to support The Upper Room and the Greater Salem Caregivers. It was noted that Cross Country Mortgage will be donating cloth string bags for the Comfort Bag project.
New Business
Supplemental page of the yearbook is available to all members at this meeting.
Log all your hours on the website and if assistance is needed, please contact Jaimie.
State GFWC President, Beth Roth spoke of the GFWC-NH Fall Field Meeting to be held at Searles Chapel, Windham on October 14, 2023 and invited all members to attend.
Member Activity
Raffle ticket winners were drawn, and following were winners:
Karen Hill- Joe Dial Book
Roseann Silver – Soleil Hair Products
Sheila Casey- Cheese Board
Upcoming Events: All upcoming events were listed in the September General Membership Agenda (attached to this document when filing for records.)
Meeting adjourned at 1:43pm
Respectfully submitted by: Norma Lapointe, Recording Secretary
General Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2023
Member Community Service Project: Members donated Christmas Cards and then wrote messages and addressed them to deployed servicemen.
Call to Order: President, Patti Drelick, called the meeting to order at 12:25 with 55 members in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to this document when filing for records. October birthdays were celebrated for Claire Brugnani, Sandy Carlson, Ruth Gallo, Linda Harvey, Charlotte Johnson, Lexie Kearley, Linda Molchan, Janet MacMillan, Ann Mahn, Ramona Pippin, Dorothy Randall, Lyn Schwager, and Ann Marie Taylor.
Collect and Pledge of Allegiance: Patti invited all members to stand and recite the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests: Lori Perry, Barbara Lightbody, and Olivia Smith.
Member Activity: Members addressed Christmas cards for deployed servicemen. The microphone was passed around the room for everyone to introduce themselves and speak of their interests and backgrounds.
New Member Initiation: Ten new members were present and initiated at the meeting by President, Patti Drelick and Vice President, Rachel Kingston. The new members are Patricia Allen, Claire Brugnani, Dottie Crisa, Sarah Friend, Ruth Gallo, Linda Jennings, Donna Mason, Melody Pelletier, Ramona Pippin, and Kathie Redmond.
President: Patti spoke of the upcoming Fall Field Meeting on October 14, 2023, at Searles Chapel, Windham. She encouraged all to attend this fun and informative statewide GFWC event to meet other club members and learn more about what GFWC is all about. Registration can be done at this meeting. Accolades were given to all those involved with the Flower Hugs Project. It was noted that over 100 Hugs were delivered by Rockingham Nutrition on our behalf. Since those deliveries were made, Patti has received several cards and voicemails of thanks for our Flower Hug donations.
Vice President/Membership: Rachel Kingston reported the Club surpassed its goal of 100 members and we are now at 112 members!
Recording Secretary: Norma Lapointe stated that the September 5, 2023 minutes were emailed to all members prior to the meeting. Marilyn Hamel made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. The minutes were approved.
Corresponding Secretary: Sandy Carlson reported that the following cards were sent and received:
Thinking of You to Dot Scott. Get Well to Paula Senia and Linda Molchan. Thank you to Hannaford’s, Mann Orchards Riverside, and Douglas & Johnson Funeral Home for flower donations. Thank you cards were received from the Birches Academy of Academics & Art and NH Philharmonic, for our monetary donations. Thank you received from Lois Mireles, Brenda Teague, and Joe & Gail Delahunty for Flower Hugs.
Treasurer: Cindy Hunzelman reported the following balances as of September 30, 2023. The checking account balance is $59,151.18. A new CD was purchased with the excess cash balance from last year of $12,891.76. The total of all CDs, petty cash, and checking balances is $125,435.79.
Arts & Culture: Patti reported in the A&C Chairmen’s absence that there are 2 upcoming events that the SAWC supports. The NH Philharmonic concert on October 14, 2023, and The Merrimack Valley Philharmonic on October 29, 2023. Both concerts are listed in the Agenda under Upcoming Events.
Civic Engagement & Outreach: Deb Slein reported that the Salem Scramble, held on September 30, 2023, was very successful, there were plenty of volunteers at the SAWC Booth and lots of community interest at the booth. Volunteers are needed at the SAWC-sponsored refreshment table at the Historical Society’s Salem Soul-Stroll on October 22, 2023. Members were also asked to volunteer as ghosts in the graveyard for the event.
Sheila Casey reported that 12 Christmas Stockings will be sent to deployed troops for “Operation Care for Troops.” Christmas cards that were addressed at this meeting will accompany the Christmas Stockings.
Education & Libraries: Darlene Daniele reported that the reading program at the Haigh School will resume soon. The committee will be looking into placing children’s books at Convenient MD and the Salem Rail Trail.
Environment: Anne Reynolds reported that all the plantings have been completed at the SAWC garden on the Salem Rail Trail. The ribbon cutting will take place on October 18, 2023. Members are invited to attend. The committee is also looking for volunteers for the Town Forest Clean Up Day, on October 21, 2023.
Health & Wellness: Linda Molchan reported that the GLOW walking is ongoing. Please log your hours! Silverthorne is looking for volunteers in pairs rather than all members on the same day. A sign-up sheet is at this meeting if you would like to volunteer. Comfort Care bags are ongoing and sewers are needed again to sew new bags. Brittany Talbot is organizing a Zoom meeting on November 13, 2023 for Communicating with Alzheimer’s. More details to follow on this topic.
Communications: Jaimie Baker is availing herself for all members needing help in navigating the website on reporting hours. She is available before and after meetings for any questions.
Member Activity:
Member Introductions: The microphone was passed around the room for everyone to introduce themselves and speak of their interests and backgrounds.
Raffle ticket winners were drawn, and the following were winners:
Karen Hill- Mum Plant
Anne Reyolds- Mum Plant
Sheila Casey- Chocolates
Stephanie Stone- Book
Olivia Smith- 2 NH Philharmonic Tickets
Upcoming Events: All upcoming events were listed in the October General Membership Agenda (attached to this document when filing for records.)
Meeting adjourned at 1:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Norma Lapointe, Recording Secretary
General Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2023
Call to Order: President, Patti Drelick, called the meeting to order at 12:32 with 49 members in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to this document when filing for records. Thanks were given to members for donating socks and mittens for the homeless and art supplies for Birches Academy. Special recognition to State GFWC President, Beth Roth for her attendance. Thank you also given to all members who baked and brought goodies for today’s meeting. Today’s meeting’s theme “Spotlight on Health & Wellness” focused on our Health & Wellness Committee.
Guests: Kathy Binda, Karyn Emerson, and MaryJo Lambert guests of Marilyn Suszek, Elaine Sincavage guest of Beth Roth, and Margaret Moon-Hames guest of Grace Frittata. Guest Speaker Mary McGahan, GFWC-NH Epsilon Sigma Omicron Co-Chair. Guest speakers attending the “Spotlight on Health & Wellness” were Kerri Ali and Melissa Sullivan.
Collect and Pledge of Allegiance: Patti invited all members to stand and recite the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
November Birthdays: Birthdays were celebrated for Linda Jennings, Linds Simmons, Dolores VanBlarcom and Members present were: Sheila Casey, Joanne Cuomo, and Cindy Hunzelman
New Member Initiation: Four new members were initiated at the meeting by President, Patti Drelick and Vice President, Rachel Kingston. The new members are Peg Pearse-Parrott, sponsored by Laura Andolino, Lori Perry sponsored by Kathy Scalia, Christina Baroni sponsored by Joanne Cuomo and Marian Vollmer sponsored by Patti Drelick.
Vice President/Membership: Rachel Kingston spoke of the LEADS program that will take place at the National GFWC Convention in Chicago Illinois in June. She will be conducting a ZOOM meeting at the end of the month to give an overview of what you can expect at the LEADS and how to apply to become a candidate. Details on this ZOOM meeting will be forthcoming
Recording Secretary: Norma Lapointe stated that the October 3, 2023 Minutes were emailed to all members prior to the meeting. Maria Baribeau made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. Vote passed.
Corresponding Secretary: Sandy Carlson reported that Thank You cards were received from the following organizations for our donations. Center for Life Management, The Upper Room, and Bread of Life Food Pantry. Thinking of You card was sent to Kelly Moss, and a get-well card was sent to Beverly Johnson.
Treasurer: Cindy Hunzelman reported that the balance in the checking account at 10/31/23 is $56,839.30 and the total of all CDs and checking is $123,485.45
Committee Reports:
Health & Wellness: Linda Molchan & Connie O’Connell presented “Spotlight on Health & Wellness” with a guest speaker from the Center for Life Management. They also spoke of the ongoing projects in their committee.
a. 20 Comfort Bags to be delivered in February 2024
b. Virtual Dementia presentation 11/13/23 2:00 – 3:30
c. SAWC members Care Givers Survey
d. Silverthorne Volunteers are needed please call Maria at Silverthorne at 603-893-4799
e. Glow Program is still ongoing please log your walking hours
Arts & Culture: Joanne Cuomo stated that there is a sign-up sheet at this meeting for the Holiday Pops performance of 12/17/23 at 2:00 at the Seifert Performing Arts Center. There is also a sign-up sheet for the Creative Writing Contest. Member, Susan Mothon, will be providing a workshop for anyone interested.
Civic Engagement & Outreach: Deb Slein reported the following updates for projects of the Committee.
a. Caregiver Holiday Treat Hugs information sheet available at this meeting.
b. SAWC will have a booth at the Salem Holiday Parade on 11/26/23 and will provide food and drinks to the participants of the parade.
c. Wreaths Across America- 10 wreaths donated and 5 more from the Organization for the upcoming wreath laying on 12/16/23 at 12:00 p.m. at the Gibson Cemetery in Pelham.
d. Donations will be given to 2 Food Pantries. CenterPoint Food for Thought will receive gift cards with our name for food baskets and St. Joseph’s Food Pantry will receive tote bags with our logo on them for their food donations.
Education & Libraries: Darlene Daniele reported that the Storybook Hugs Project will be resuming at the Haigh School on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30. A 1-hour training session is available if desired.
Environment: Anne Reynolds reported that the final clean-up for the SAWC garden at the Salem Rail Trail will be on 11/15/2023 at 12:00 p.m. Please sign up to volunteer.
Upcoming Events: All upcoming events were listed in the November General Membership Agenda (attached to this document when filing for records.)
Meeting adjourned at 1:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Norma Lapointe, Recording Secretary
Minutes of the General Meeting
December 5, 2023
Call to Order: President, Patti Drelick, called the meeting to order at 12:15 with 56 members in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to this document when filing for records. The meeting was celebrated as a Holiday Party. Thanks were given to all members who baked cookies for both today’s meeting and Caregiver Treat Bags. Thanks were given to all members who signed cards for the Women’s Shoebox Project and last month’s sock and mitten donations.
Guests: Kathy Binda and Karyn Emerson guests of Marilyn Suszek, Sue Davis guest of Darlene Daniele, and Paula Cormier guest of Lorraine Amirault.
Special Guests: Santa & Mrs. Claus (Dave & Ann Marie Taylor) and Buddy the Elf, (Nick Distelbrink)
Collect and Pledge of Allegiance: Patti invited all members to stand and recite the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
December Birthdays: Birthdays were celebrated for Patricia Allen, Jaimie Baker, Maria Doyle, Dolly Falco, Sara Friend, Patricia Marshall, Ann Reardon, and Julie Weymouth.
Honorary Member Induction: Seven members were inducted as Honorary Members at the meeting by President, Patti Drelick. The new honorary members are Lorraine Amirault, Sandy Demers, Dolly Falco, Beverly Johnson, Jean Malisos, Audrey Mosher, and Dot Randall.
Recording Secretary: Norma Lapointe stated that the November 7, 2023 Minutes were emailed to all members before the meeting. Linda Molchan made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. The minutes were approved.
Holiday Party: A hot buffet lunch catered by Gourmet Bites was followed by a festive holiday raffle with Buddy the Elf distributing the items. Members were able to partake in photos with Mr. & Mrs. Claus and everyone enjoyed the narration of the 12 Days of Christmas by Mr. & Mrs. Claus and their 12 helpers!
Upcoming Events: All upcoming events were listed in the December General Membership Agenda (attached to this document when filing for records.)
Meeting adjourned at 1:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Norma Lapointe, Recording Secretary